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“The Accidental Bachelor”

Single parenthood and the fine art of dating.

“When you shatter a plate, especially if it’s fine bone china, it almost always shatters into strange, uneven pieces. Some large. Some small. Some of these pieces break into the most impossible shapes. Shapes you could never recreate even if you tried to. Some pieces disappear, simply vanishing into dust, and some pieces just never seem to fit back together again. Like they came from an entirely different plate altogether. People are like that. Like fine, bone china. When someone close to them dies or leaves it breaks them. It shatters them. Divorce is a lot like that. It shattered me. I had never been thrown away before and it sucked. It hurt. I was broken and I was down, but I wasn’t out. I knew I had a choice to make that winter, I could stay broken and feel sorry for myself, or I could pick myself up, dust myself off, and glue myself back together again”.

-Jeff Tyler, Winter 2017

Published inNovel